Your generous contribution will empower the Sisters to continue their vital mission of assisting the poor and marginalized, spreading compassion and mercy to those in need. Enclosed, you will find details about the various sponsorship and journal ad opportunities available.
All forms and ad copy for advertisement in the Gala Digital Flipbook Journal must be received and paid for in full by April 5, 2025 to ensure that your ad is included in the event journal.
Please submit your ad by email to kdeguzman@opblauvelt.org.
The Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York reserve the right to assign advertising placement and determine the appropriateness of proposed advertising.
Journal size is 8 ½ x 11.
We will size your ad submission to your selection below.
The Mother Mary Ann Sammon Award for Compassion and Service
Each year, the Sisters of Saint Dominic honor individuals whose lives have demonstrated a spirit of faith and deep caring for others. These individuals are presented with the Mary Ann Sammon Award for Compassion and Service.
Past Honorees of the Mary Ann Sammon Award for Compassion and Service include:
Mark Jacobs, Sr. Mary Eileen O'Brien, Sr. Kathleen Sullivan, William H. Connolly & Co., Patricia Finan, Phyllis Yonta, Jerry Haas, Peter McKeever, Teresa Radzinski, Laura & Dan Grable, Anthony & Marian D'Ambosio, Lane & Janet Jorgensen, Ruth Young (Posthumously), Phyllis & Bruce Schweizer, Judy Kydon, John Nevins, Barbara & David Bender, Robert S. Manzella, Sisters of Our Lady of the Christian Doctrine, Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, Michael Ragno, Benedict Versaci, John & Eileen White, Kathleen Gregg, Hector May, Keith R. Taylor, Reverend John F. Dwyer, J. Robert Lunney, Peggy Bell Kalter, James F. Hurley, Monsignor Gerald Ryan, Clifford Lai, Sr. Bernadette Kenney, RSHM, Br. James Kearney, FMS, John Caffrey, Rita & Jim Sullivan, Nancy & Bill Hynes, the Moroney Family, the Cullen Family, FDNY Pipe & Drum Band, and in Memory of Timothy J. Mara.