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Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt Honor 11 Jubilarians

By Katie Beckmann, Communications Manager

The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt’s Motherhouse was full of joy and gratitude to God on Sunday, June 2nd, as Sisters, Associates, and friends came together for the Jubilee Celebration.

Sister Kathleen Sullivan delivers the Welcome and Call to Worship at the Jubilee Celebration
Sister Kathleen Sullivan delivers the Welcome and Call to Worship at the Jubilee Celebration

This annual tradition celebrates the anniversary of a Sister’s entrance or profession to the congregation.

This year’s Jubilee Celebration included a special mass and festive dinner where 11 Jubilarians were recognized:

· Sister Molly Dower – 75 years

· Sister Theresa Lynch – 75 years

· Sister Judith Campbell – 70 years

· Sister Miriam Lent – 70 years

· Sister Loretta Lynch – 70 years

· Sister Mary John O’Brien – 70 years

· Sister Kenneth Reddington – 70 years

· Sister Mary Theresa Dixon – 60 years

· Sister Mary Eileen O’Brien – 60 years

· Sister Kathleen Sullivan – 60 years

· Sister Anne Daniel Young – 60 years

2019 Jubilarians with Leadership Team
2019 Jubilarians with Leadership Team

The Jubilarians expressed their gratefulness to God, their vocation with the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, and their blessings in a message in the Jubilee Liturgy book.

“Our Thanks

To God our loving Father/Mother, Giver of all good things.

To Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.

To the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Consoler.

Our thanks for our “Call” to love and to serve

as members of Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt.

Our thanks to our families especially our parents.

By their example they taught us the

meaning of service and sacrifice.

Our thanks to our Congregation by whom we were

encouraged and challenged to be

“all that we are able to be”

Our thanks to our friends who enriched our lives

by their love and support.

We ask God’s blessing on all who have

touched our lives and all the Jubilarians celebrating today.

We offer sincere and prayerful gratitude to all those who contributed

to our Jubilee Celebration today.”


2019 Jubilee Celebration Photos

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