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Blauvelt Dominicans Invite the Public To Communal Contemplative Prayer

Eight weeks to go before Election Day! The Leadership Team of the Blauvelt Dominican Sisters invites all people of good will to join them in eight minutes of silent, contemplative prayer each Tuesday at a time of your choosing from September 20, 2016, through Election Day on November 8.

We invite you to join us in holding the intention that the common good of all people and planet rises as a central concern for all candidates and voters during the coming eight weeks. We suggest beginning this period of silent contemplation with the following prayer: “O Holy Mystery, we live in a time of peril and promise. We ask that you infuse each of us, voters and candidates for elected office, with a longing for peace and the common good of all your people and creation. Rooted in the Gospel, with this intention deep in our hearts, we place our trust in You, O Holy Mystery, and in the power of our communal prayer.” In the words of Pope Francis to the members of Congress on September 24, 2015: ““Each son or daughter of a given country has a mission, a personal and social responsibility.... You are called to defend and preserve the dignity of your fellow citizens in the tireless and demanding pursuit of the common good, for this is the chief aim of all politics.” Join us “8 for 8”…8 minutes, 8 weeks every Tuesday!


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