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Called To Act - April 13, 2016

Dominican Sisters are committed to work on Climate Change We, the Dominican Sisters of Amityville, Blauvelt, Caldwell, Hope and Sparkill believe that our present relationship with Earth and the resources provided by Earth are grievously imbalanced and harmful to the planet itself. The impact of human action stresses and overwhelms the self-sustaining, and self-correcting capacities of our environment, narrows bio-diversity, and threatens the capacity of Earth to support future generations.

We recognize that the reality of Global Climate Change negatively impacts the Community of Life in ways that go well beyond our understanding. We recognize that the negative impact on the human community is experienced more forcefully and comprehensively by persons who are living in poverty, living close to the land, and living in fragile ecological ecosystems. We believe that we are called to protect the vitality, diversity, and uniqueness of Earth and the Community of Life sustained by Earth. This call compels us to act individually, communally, systemically on behalf of Earth, the Community of Life, and all future generations within this sacred community.                                                                                                                                                   ---Corporate Stance, April 2015

This corporate stance binds us Dominicans, individually and corporately, to make decisions that protect our environment, to take actions that make our daily lives less harmful to the environment, to invest in the development of sustainable energies, and to advocate for more environmentally responsible corporate policies and practices.

We gratefully join groups working for legislation to protect Earth’s community of life. We know that systemic, political work is essential for the continuation of life on Earth.

(For more information see Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter, LAUDATO SI’ on Care for our Common Home, and link to the Global Catholic Climate Movement:

Let’s join efforts to continue life on Planet Earth and support those already suffering from the effects of Climate Change. We Blauvelt Dominicans and the Rockland Sierra Club invite you to a wonderful Earth Day Program.

            Tuesday, May 3, 7:00 pm             Convent of St. Dominic             496 Western Highway             Blauvelt, NY 10913             Lavelle Entrance

Come learn about your water and your community!

This December, Rockland environmental advocates  won a major victory for Rockland residents and for the environment when the NYS Public Service Commission listened and then ruled to abandon a proposal from Suez (formerly United Water) for a desalination plant that would have drawn water from the Hudson River, 3.5 miles downstream from Indian Point nuclear power plant, for Rockland’s drinking water.

Come hear the story of Rockland’s water victory and what we need to do next!

The speakers will be Laurie Seeman, Outdoor Educator and Margie Turrin, Hudson River Ecologist & Educator.

People in Rockland County now have the opportunity to create a new water policy that can be a model for the northeast. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear what such a policy would look like, and what the public can do to help. 

More information at

Hope to see you on May 3rd, Ceil Lavan, OP


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