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Embracing Faith Through Mindfulness: Why Catholics Should Focus More On Spiritual Wellness

By Katie Beckmann, Communications Manager

This week’s “Embracing Faith” article will focus on Embracing Faith through Mindfulness.

Embracing Faith Through Ministry

Wellness is a word that we often hear.

Whether it is through advertisements, social media posts, health professionals, or peers, we are consistently told that we need to focus on our physical, mental, and emotional wellness.

While we are frequently occupied focusing on what we eat, how we exercise, how much money we make, as well as other responsibilities at home and work, many people tend to neglect one of the most critical types of wellness, spiritual.

Beverly Beuermann-King, CSP, of Work Smart Live Smart focuses on Spiritual Wellness in her teachings and views it as, “the search for meaning and purpose in human existence, leading one to strive for a state of harmony with oneself and others, while working to balance inner needs with the rest of the world.” (1)

Spiritual Wellness is heavily emphasized during March as it is known as Spiritual Wellness Month.

Ways that one can focus on their Spiritual Wellness daily are making time for prayer, relaxation, and meditation.

Catholics should especially focus more on Spiritual Wellness as we often are faced with negative internal and external factors that affect our relationship with God and others.

One way that you can do that is with a spiritual wellness program.

A CatholicExchange article gave an example of a program that one could easily start during Lent. (2)

1. Instead of vitamins, we follow a daily regimen of prayer and Scripture reading to give us the energy we need to stay focused on the Lord.

2. Instead of physical exercise, the program includes the exercise of our wills to let in all that is good and reject all that is bad. To further strengthen and purify our wills, we do a daily examination of conscience – reviewing our day and repenting of any sins we may have committed.

3. Instead of a healthy diet, we make sure we have a steady diet of the Sacraments, including receiving the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist to keep us filled with Jesus’ life and experiencing the reconciling power of Jesus’ forgiveness in Confession.

4. Instead of regular physical checkups, we stay connected to sisters and brothers in Christ in the church through small parish-based groups, where we can support one another and pray for one another. (2)

For the remainder of March and Lent, focus on changing your daily habits to make time for prayer, relaxation, and meditation. Even making small changes to your daily routine can positively affect your spiritual wellness, faith, and relationship with God.


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