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Embracing Faith Through Prayer – Women's Equality Day

By Katie Beckmann, Communications Manager

This week’s “Embracing Faith” article will focus on Embracing Faith through Prayer.

Embracing Faith Through Prayer

Yesterday, women throughout the world came together to celebrate Women’s Equality Day. This day was recognized in 1973, when Congress designated August 26th as Women’s Equality Day. This particular date was chosen by Congress to commemorate the certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote in 1920. (1) Whether you chose to attend a Women’s Equality Day event or raised awareness about this day and the issues women are advocating for on social media, take a moment to pray today that women throughout the world will be viewed as equals, valued for their contributions to society, and achieve equality.

Prayer #1 (2) God of all, God of hope, we pray for

women and girls today that they will be all they can be. Give us courage to speak and work for equality and justice

until the earth is filled with righteousness and love. Amen.

Prayer #2 (3) Heavenly Father, you are excellent in power, in judgment, and in justice. We lift our voices on behalf of women and girls who have paid a devastating price for years of armed conflict. We pray because women and girls have been and are being used as a weapon of war by corrupt leaders and armed forces. We pray for those who are perpetuating this cycle of sexual violence and committing other horrific acts against women and girls. We pray that the perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions and brought to justice. We pray that you would free every woman and every girl from all forms of slavery. We pray that you protect them and heal them. Let them feel your presence so they know there is hope. We believe that you will maintain and uphold the rights of the poor. Please hear us, we pray in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.


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