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Embracing Faith Through Reflection: What Lent Means To Me

Updated: Mar 5, 2019

By Sister Jane Francis Marron, OP

In this week's "Embracing Faith" article, we will focus on Embracing Faith through Reflection.

Embracing Faith Article Cover

“Grant to me, God, a heart renewed, recreate in me your own Spirit.”

March 6th is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of the Lenten season, a time where we give up and sacrifice things that we hold dear until Easter.

In the past, Lent has meant to me giving up something such as sweets. However, I have had difficulty with this, and I would feel guilty when I was not able to keep my Lenten promise.

Even though we all commit to sacrificing something for Lent, I have come to realize that Lent is not about “giving up” anything.

The Lenten season is like a retreat; it’s a time where we can pray, reflect, strive to become the person God wants us to be. We can ask God to soften our hearts and heal our thoughts, words, and actions.

During Lent, I hope to reach out to others in whatever ways I can and to see God in everyone and everything.

Over the next 40 days, I hope you will take time to retreat, pray, reflect, and strive to become the person God wants you to be.

The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, wish you all a blessed Lenten season.


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