November 9, 1948 - June 18, 2021
Barbara McKee was a member of Incarnation Parish in Sarasota. FL where she attended daily Mass and served as Lector and Eucharistic Minister.
Barbara’s love for her family was unquestionable. Her husband, Bart was her soulmate and when he went to God ahead of her, she stayed faithful to him. She loved her children Michelle and Bart more than anything on earth and she welcomed her grandchildren: Zach, Cam, Erin and Lily into her arms and Will and Shawn into her heart. She was a wonderful mother and taught Michelle how to be the wonderful mother she is today. She went through countless treatments and pain so she could have more time with them, and so that she could welcome Lily to the family.
Barbara loved the Church and spent more than 30 years working at Incarnation School. She went from Cafeteria Manager/Assistant Secretary, to Administrative Assistant, but felt called to share her many gifts in another way. Barbara went back to school, while still working, and got a Master’s in Pastoral Theology so she could teach. She was the Religion teacher for grades K-5 for many years, preparing students for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. She loved her students, loved sharing the Faith with them. They loved her back.
Barbara became a Dominican Associate and was a valued and loved member of our Community. She blessed us with good conversations about God, Church, St. Paul.
Barbara was a good, holy woman. She lived the life God planned for her. She was kind. She was generous. She was thoughtful. She enjoyed laughing, reading, Classical music, museums, and swimming. She enjoyed life. She lived out the Beatitudes: poor in spirit, meek, merciful, pure in heart, peacemaker. Others recognized her goodness and would say what a great lady she was, in a class by herself. She was so loved.
Barbara’s last few weeks were filled with pain and suffering, but there were bright moments. I am confident that when Barbara stood before God, she was able to answer yes to the questions: Did you love? Were you loved?
The words of St. Paul to Timothy could be hers as well:
“As for me, I am being poured out like a libation and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the just judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”