By Joanna George

Earlier this week, people throughout the world observed Ash Wednesday and began the celebration of Lent.
The Lenten season is a time where we reflect on the 40-day fast Jesus took before his self-sacrifice when he died on the cross for our sins.
During Lent, many people choose to give up things like meat, chocolate, or alcohol, while others prefer to spend more time reflecting on the Word of God. Lately, giving up social media has become another common thing to give up for Lent. (1)
Many may assume that young people would be the ones to give up social media for Lent, but a recent study, where I surveyed 40 people who are a part of Generations Z and Y, showed otherwise.
The most common responses to “What are you giving up for Lent” were health related.
50% of people are choosing to give up junk food, sugar, fast food, and carbs, with the main reasoning of wanting to be physically healthier. (2)
What are you giving up for Lent? Comment below and let us know.
Joanna George is a senior at Tappan Zee High School and completing her Senior Seminar Internship project with the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York.