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Scripture Reflection - April 25, 2021

Fourth Sunday of Easter The Voice of the Holy

"My Sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me." -John 10:27

For many years I lived next door to a farm with sheep grazing in the field. No obvious shepherd and I never witnessed this “knowing”. But I do recall the security of hearing the voices of my Mom and Dad; the delight I felt when I heard my Grandma’s voice on the phone or when she arrived to visit. Knowing these voices, feeling secure and loved, I did respond. Somewhere along the line, we recognized a deeper voice, a voice that beckons in different ways along the years. Sometimes delightful, sometimes secure, sometimes disturbing, but we recognize the voice. In the early Christian community described today in Acts we witness a profound shift as the Gentiles hear the Word and are included in the Community. This new inclusion and diversity are met with violent reactions from the Jews. Seems too close to home these days. Maybe there’s a lesson for us as the disciples shook the dust off their feet to move on and Preach the Word in joy and the Holy Spirit.

Where does the voice of The Holy call us today?

Sr. Pat Daly, OP

Dominican Sisters of Caldwell


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