19th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Wisdom 18:6-9, Hebrews 11:2, 8-19, Luke:12:32-48
“Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own” Ps. 33
The readings this Sunday recall for us the faith of the Israelites, of Abraham and the faith that is needed for us to continue on our own journey with Hope and Courage in God’s abundant faithfulness to his people.
The Israelites believed, without any doubt, in God’s Promise that they would be set free from their enslavement in Egypt. It was their unbounded faith that gave them the courage to endure all that would be asked of them on their sojourn. Believing that they were blessed because they had been chosen by God, their faith gave them Hope despite the struggles they were experiencing (Ps. 33).
Abraham obeyed God when he was called to go out to a place he did not know. Though advanced in age and Sarah being past typical childbearing years, he believed wholeheartedly in the Promise of God, and so his descendants did become as numerous as the stars in the sky!
Jesus speaks to his disciples, in Luke’s Gospel, of the need for preparedness in order to be ready for the day when the Son of Man will come, an hour they do not expect.
Every morning, as we prepare for the day ahead, we can become anxious and concerned by the news of the day, whether it be situations of violence, injustice, natural disasters, sickness or death of a loved one, or personal issues we will have to face that day.
As we open ourselves to the readings for this Sunday, let us examine our own need to place our trust in God’s Promise to be with us always. We will not be able to experience this Peace if we are constantly holding on to worry and anxiety. His Peace is assured if only we place our Trust in His Faithfulness.
God’s plan for us is being revealed each day in the events of the day. Let us pray that we will be able to put our Faith and Trust in God, all through the day, so that we can experience His Peace and have Hope that all will be well. Let us pray that we will have the courage to accept whatever comes into our lives with the assurance that God is with us!
Sister Mary Doris, OP