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Scripture Reflection - January 14, 2024

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

1 Samuel 3:3b-10,19 | Psalms 40 | 1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20 | John 1:35-42

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Scripture Reflection

If I were asked to summarize today’s readings in one word, I would have to choose VOCATION, with capital letters. Some of you know that when I told my dear mother that I was entering the convent, her first response was: “Why doesn't Bene' go? She's a nice girl.”  My answer: “God knows Bene' doesn't need extra help to be good and that I do.” “Oh,” she said.  “Yes,” I said.

Over the years, I have often meditated on the fact that vocation is an absolute gift from God, not earned, not deserved. Samuel, in our first reading "... was not familiar with the Lord." His vocation was a free gift.

Psalm 40 reminds us how we are to live out whatever our vocation is, whether married, single, priest or religious. We are to listen for and to our God and willingly do God's will.

Paul reminds us we are members of God's body, purchased at a price. Possibly more than anyone, Paul knew his encounter on the Road to Damascus was 100% gift. So, it was with the Apostles as they responded to Jesus' invitation: “Come, and see.”

To whatever life we have been called, I think we need to invite others to come and see how much God loves them; to come and see how merciful God is; to come and see that there is more to life than this earthly life.

Loving and merciful God, thank you so much for calling us into existence, for allowing us to share in your work on earth, for blessing us each and every day in countless ways. May we love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow. Amen.

Sr. Monica Paul Fraser, OP


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