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Scripture Reflection - January 20, 2019

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Isaiah 62:1-5+Corinthians 12:4-11+John 2:1-11

“Jesus revealed His glory and his disciples began to believe in Him”

Scripture Reflection

During the Christmas season, we celebrated the Birth, Epiphany, and Baptism of Jesus. Now, in ordinary time, the celebration continues with Christ changing water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana. The wedding imagery connects our readings for today.

Isaiah tells us in the first reading that God longs for us as individuals, just as a lover longs for the bride. He desires us to be as close to him as spouses are to each other. He shows this love for his people by restoring Israel. The people are no longer exiled in a foreign land, they have returned to Jerusalem. We see God’s power to transform what was, into what we thought could never be. We will see God’s transforming power again in today’s Gospel in Cana.

The second reading reveals Paul as a teacher as well as a peacemaker to the people of Corinth. This community was riddled with disagreement over the use of spiritual gifts, and discussion over which was the most important. He feels their bickering is causing division within the body of Christ in the Church. Paul reminds them that the gifts of the spirit are all given for the common good and not for pride or glory. The body of Christ is built up through the use of the diversity of our gifts. We are all different but one in Christ. We cannot compare our gifts to those of others. Peace occurs when we value and recognize each person’s unique contribution. We learn that love surpasses all.

John’s Gospel reveals Jesus changing water into wine at the Wedding Feast of Cana. It is the first of the “signs” that manifests Jesus’ glory. It is through this miracle that his disciples begin to believe in him. Even though he declares “My hour has not yet come,” being obedient to his Mother, he saves the wedding couple embarrassment by changing plain everyday water into choice wine, and in the process shows his glory. This sign also foreshadows his greatest sign, his death on the Cross.

Loving God, help us to love one another as you love us. May we respect each other’s differences and use the unique gifts you have given each of us to bring about love and peace in our world, a world which seems to be in great distress and conflict. Please bring about by your power, the peace and unity we thought could never happen. Amen.

Pat Higgins Michel, Associate


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