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Scripture Reflection - July 1, 2018

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wisdom 1:13 – 15, 2:23–24; Corinthians  8:7,9;  13-15;  Mark 5:21-43 Responsorial:  “I will praise you, O’ God, for you have rescued me.”

The readings of this Sunday seem to be chosen for this particular time in our history - natural disasters causing the rampant destruction of life and property, the opioid crisis, suicides on the increase, gang violence, the tearing apart of immigrant families, and international and national unrest.

The first reading reminds us that “God formed all things that they might have Being.” All of God’s creation is to receive the fullness of life, not Death or destruction! Do we believe?

And in our world where wealth and prosperity provide the backdrop for decisions being made by corporations and world leaders, Paul speaks of Jesus becoming poor so that by His poverty we might become rich. We are encouraged to consider those in need as our responsibility that we might share our blessings and work for justice for the oppressed. Can we follow the example of Jesus?

Mark, in his Gospel, speaks of faith in the power of God in our lives. When Jairus comes to Jesus to heal his daughter who was at the point of death, he believes in Jesus as Healer. And so, although Jesus is told that the girl has died, He tells Jairus, “Do not be afraid, just have faith.” And so he raises his daughter to life! And to the woman with the hemorrhage, who reaches out to Jesus to touch his cloak, knowing for certain that she would be healed, he says “Daughter, your faith has saved you.” How great is our faith?

As we come before our God each morning and present our petitions for the healing of our world, do we believe in the power of God to answer our prayers? Do we believe that God can restore life to what seems to be dead? Do we believe that God can renew the face of the earth?

Loving God, as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus, the Healer, today, let us pray for an increase in faith.  I believe, help my unbelief!


Sister Mary Doris, O.P.   


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