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Scripture Reflection - July 14, 2019

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Scripture Reflection


Deut.30:10-14; Psalm 19; Coloss.1:15-20; Luke 10:25-37

Our associate, Barbara McKee, has a now four-year-old granddaughter, Erin. Erin thinks I am four, and when I visit she takes me by the hand so we can go play. She really likes me and one day I asked her why. After looking at me in puzzlement, she said, “I just do.”

In today’s readings, God is saying, “I love you.” Through Moses, God gives us guidelines which are for our own good and the good of others. Psalm 19 reminds us that the law of God is perfect, pure, everlasting, true and just and if followed brings joy to the heart. God’s law and love are more precious than gold and sweeter than honey.

Luke’s telling of the scholar asking Jesus what he must do to gain eternal life reminds us of the two Great Commandments: love of God and love of neighbor. Just as the Samaritan was put forth as neighbor, we need to embrace as neighbor the many expressions of God’s creation: male, female, young, older, those with physical or mental challenges, those from other countries, other cultures. Not to do so deprives us of seeing yet other aspects of God’s beautiful creations.

At the end of the day, at times of Confession, cognizant of sin and failure, I sometimes wonder how God can still love me. In my mind and in my heart, I hear God say, “I just do.”

Thank you, God, for such love. Help us to be love and mercy for others, for love of You.

Sister Monica Paul Fraser, OP


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