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Scripture Reflection - July 16, 2023

Updated: Jul 17, 2023

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Isaiah 55:10-11 - Romans 8:18-23 - Matthew 13: 1-23

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Scripture Reflection

“The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.”

As we tune in to the news each day, we are reminded of the fragility of our earth and the struggle of those who plant and harvest the food we depend on for our nourishment. How much thought do we put into the amount of labor needed to prepare the soil for sowing and planting?

Isaiah uses the image of the earth being watered from above, making it fertile and fruitful, and compares it to the Word of God, preparing us to bring forth the goodness of God’s gifts of faithfulness, mercy, and love and share them with others.

In his letter to the Romans, Paul speaks of the groaning of all creation, as we can attest to today, as our earth suffers the ravages of climate change and its destruction at the hands of humanity. St. Paul reminds us of the promise of the glory of God to be revealed, that will overshadow the sufferings of the present time. What glory awaits those who endure to the end!

Jesus uses the image of the sower, a common experience of those who followed him, to explain how his Word can be received or rejected, and how to open themselves to remove those obstacles that would prevent them from hearing his teaching.

Just as the ground needs to be cultivated to bring the seed to bear good fruit, so we need to take the time to open ourselves more freely to hear the voice of God and to bring it to fruition in our own lives and to share it with those who enter our lives each day.

As we contemplate the many ways God continues to sow his seeds in our lives, let us try to remove all distractions that prevent us from opening our ears to hear his voice, spoken in silence, and recognizing God’s presence in the most unexpected moments of our day.

Let us pray for those who cultivate the earth, preparing it for harvest. We pray for those who plant the seeds of hope in the hearts of all who struggle for peace and justice, by their words and the example of their lives. Let us be open to receiving the Spirit of Wisdom as we begin each day cultivating God’s New Creation!

Sr. Mary Doris, OP


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