Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading -Second Book of Kings 4:42-44
Psalm 145
Second Reading – St. Paul to the Ephesians 4:1-6
Gospel- John 6:1-15

The overarching theme in today’s readings is responding to the needs of those placed before us. Elisha and Jesus feed the hungry and provide loaves and fish to crowds. It has been said that we have enough food in this world to feed everyone. What stops us is the willingness to distribute what we have evenly amongst those who have little or nothing.
The Psalm reminds us that “the hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs.”
In the Second Reading, Paul tells us we must have unity of spirit through a bond of peace as one body, one spirit, one God of all. We have received this faith in our one baptism, which is for all and in all.
Therefore, today’s Gospel reminds us that we, too, can imitate the wisdom of Jesus, who looked out into the crowd, saw a need, and responded. Can we, too, do the same? Can we be aware of the needs before us? Can we seek out our loaves and fishes and share them with the world so desperately in need of nourishment?
Let us pray that our faith guides us to be generous of heart.
Sr. Joan Agro, OP