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Scripture Reflection - July 30, 2023

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading-1 Kings 3:5-12

Responsorial Psalm-119,127-128, 129-130

Second Reading-Romana 8:28-30

Gospel- Matthew 13:44-52

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Scripture Reflection

You have asked for wisdom. You are formed in the image of the Son. You have been shown the Kindom of Heaven.

In the first reading, Solomon as a young king, prays to God for help and guidance as he faces the daunting task of leading the Chosen People. After prayerful discernment, Solomon asks for an understanding heart. One in which he will have the ability to know what is best in every situation. In other words, to know what is right, good and just.

Can we as Christians today pray like Solomon to have an understanding heart? Can we develop our ability by the grace of God, to know what is best in every situation and hold ourselves accountable to doing what is right, good and just?

In the second reading, Paul reminds us that everything that happens to us in life will bring about some good if we truly love God. We need to seek blessings in hardship. This isn’t easy, it relies on a strong faith that will not be overcome by adversity. We ask God for the strength to endure suffering by joining it with the suffering of God’s son, Jesus. God was with Jesus in his suffering, and the crucified and risen Jesus accompanies us in our suffering. We, in turn, are called to accompany others in their suffering.

The gospel message this week invites us to consider our treasure. What is our pearl of great price? Where have we hidden our treasure? And most importantly are we willing to give it all up, to sacrifice, in order to gain salvation and eternal life? The root of sacrifice is to make something sacred. We sacrifice worldly wealth and possessions in order to benefit the greater good. We choose the beauty of creation, to bless one another, and to celebrate what God has given us.

We pray for a new awareness of our treasure, an understanding heart, and the courage to choose what is right, good and just.

Sr. Joan Agro, OP


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