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Scripture Reflection - June 26, 2022

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21

Galatians 5:1, 13-18

Luke 9:51-62

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Scripture Reflection

The readings this Sunday hold clear and loving advice for each one of us. In Kings, Elijah and Elisha are encouraged to address – in current day phrasing – succession planning so what is, can become what can be!

In Galatians, Paul directly advises us to serve one another through love. We know that by loving others we are changed and can become better persons.

And in the Gospel of Luke, we are reminded of the cost and urgency of discipleship. By choosing discipleship, we can become more Christ-like.

All the Sunday readings highlight the process of BECOMING.

In closing, I would like to share a poem for your reflection by Carrie Newcomer.


Water becomes rain,

And then becomes stream,

Which then becomes river,

Becomes ocean,

Becomes mist,

Becomes fog,

Becomes rain,

Which slides down the rocks,

And is taken into the ground,

And then taken up by the plants,

Animals and birds and people.

It becomes the sweat of the brow,

And the tears slipping down,

Upon a shirt that has been slept in.

Evaporating into air,

It remains invisible for a while. Then,

After a time,

It becomes dew which burns off

As the liquid sun rises,

Becoming mist,

Becoming cloud,

Becoming rain.

Nothing is ever really gone,

It only transforms.

Let us pray with and for each other as we continue becoming and transforming.

Sr. Ellenrita Purcaro, O.P.


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