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Scripture Reflection - September 22, 2019

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Scripture Reflection

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Scripture readings of this day have a strong relevance for our times.

In the first reading from the book of Amos in the Old Testament, those who trample upon the needy and destroy the poor of the land are exposed for their exploitation and cheating and warned that the Lord will not forget their offenses. In the second reading, from the first letter of Timothy in the New Testament, the faithful are urged to pray for those in authority and to do so without anger or argument indicating that the faithful were not generally inclined to do so.

But in the Gospel of the day, St. Luke reminds us that it is not always the rich and powerful who are unworthy of respect and trust. In his message, he highlights the dishonest steward who uses his position to garner wealth for himself and then uses his position to ensure his own well-being when his position is at risk.

Today’s readings remind us that regardless of the time and circumstances, humans are in need of God’s messengers to steer them in the right direction. All of us are subject to taking advantage of our circumstances to either ignore the plight of the poor and neglected even if we have not contributed to their suffering and to critique those who govern even though we may lack understanding of the issues that confront them. We must also admit that we are all subject to the risk of abusing the trust that is placed in us in whatever we undertake in our social or working relationships.

How significant is our daily interaction with the words of Scripture and with the Scripture embedded reflections that are shared with us? We are blessed by those who, like Saint Luke, are “teachers in faith and in truth” and by those like our Blauvelt Dominican Sister Terry Rickard, who suggests in her soon to be released book: Everyday Witness that there 7 simple habits for sharing our faith, for demonstrating how God’s message intersects with today’s world. Do we take the time to read and reflect?

Sister Kathleen Sullivan, OP


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