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Unsung Hero Sister Barbara McEneany: Dominican College’s Director of Campus Ministry

The Office of Campus Ministry is about assisting all students, faculty and staff with fostering their spiritual growth and involvement in community service programs.

The office offers Sunday Liturgies, retreats and prayer gatherings plus informal pastoral counseling, where conversations about God, faith-life needs and challenges to be faced are welcomed.

Sister Barbara McEneany, class of 1966, has been the Campus Minister for 28 years, where her influence has extended far beyond her office and the sphere of religious counseling and activities. She has an infectious personality which radiates warmth and concern. Consequently, she is a support for all types of students: athletes, student leaders, academically and socially at-risk students, as well as those with personal and/or spiritual concerns. She is an exceptional informal counselor for students who gravitate to her because of her caring and non-judgmental approach. Sister Barbara is a regular presence in the hallways of Casey Hall, where she identifies the melancholy of students with concerns, assists them in dealing with the issues or makes referrals to other sources of help. She also celebrates their successes in dealing with life’s challenges.

This post first appeared on the Rockland County Times, to read the rest of the original article, click here


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